The Knife Wife

The Knife Wife
Beat the meat out of what is already dead
She reduces the rituals into nothingness
just to reinvent them over and over again
-There´s so much still to be done!

The Knife Wife is a 10-30 minutes long  performance with and by Benedikte Esperi and it demands a reconciliation!

By using elements from everyday life her intention is to create new mythological bodies through choreography and live art, which deals with social codes, norms and politics. By staging rituals, actions and statements, a new manifesto must be considered and it becomes an eye opener – it demands a reconciliation! Her performances exposes and investigates structures of oppression where hidden gestures of violence and is an established and accepted norm. The performance adjust to the site and the specific environmental design.

10-minutes version performed in collaboration with Cha Blasco

Performed at:
– Gbg International Interdisciplinary poetry and performance festival Oct. 2016
– ”The Tiny Festival” at Teater Trixter (collaboration Cha Blasco)May 2016
– ”SMEDJAN” Mauritz Tistelö book release, November 2015